Thursday, January 21, 2010


We went by to see Bro. Davis today and he was not in pain though he had a really bad night. His bags were packed and they were waiting for the Hospice people to come and take him to the Hospice center. There is much doubt that he will return home. I do not know how long he has before his departure but I can not help but think it won't be long. I plan to go by the Hospice center in the morning to check on Bro. Davis. This picture was taken in 2007 at TBI during my mother-in-law's retirement party.
I went for a walk with Janie right before sundown. We only did a little over two miles but it was fun and the weather was perfect. A friend stopped to talk with us on his way home. He was riding around looking for wild hogs and should not have had any problem finding some for there are signs of them all around. We got back to the house before dark. Janie has been working on Bible questions for her mother to give to the members of her church. She is working on orders now while I blog.
Jason and Angie are looking into coming back to the States in February. We are anxious to see them. They had Bible study at their house today and I hope it went well.
My mother-in-law fell out of her chair yesterday and Janie is going to take her to the doctor tomorrow to make sure she has not broken anything. Mostly it is her ankle that is bothering her.
Well it's off to bed for me. God bless you.

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