Janie's Birthday Cake |
Today is Janie's birthday. She turned __ years old today. I will let you fill in the blank. She took her mother to the hairdresser while I went to Wal-Mart and got Janie a Kindle Fire, a birthday cake, and a birthday card. I wrote her a poem on the inside of the card.
Janie's Birthday gifts |
While waiting for their return I took a walk in the woods behind the cottage. I blazed a trail with my trusty axe back to the trail which the pipeline people had made across the back side of our property. The placement of the pipeline could not be better. It passes through a very marshy area along the creek. I will be glad to see the jungle cleared. I am making a hiking trail which will trail head at the cottage and make its way weaving back and forth and around and through 7 acres. I am planning to have a campsite with a picnic table and running water about 300 feet behind the cottage. I thought the grandkids might like to camp out back there in the woods this summer.
The grandkids sang happy birthday to Janie over the phone |
My mother-in-law took us out to eat for Janie's birthday. It was a very late lunch and we enjoyed it. Upon return to my mother-in-law's house Janie opened her birthday card and gift and then played with the Kindle until she had it figured out. We ate some cake and Janie talked by way of phone to our 5 grandkids in Moss Hill. Janie is helping her mother right now balance her check book, a task I never did enjoy doing. Tomorrow I will spend working on my Thesis and then go by to see my mother before heading back to Hillsboro. We will not return to Henderson for 2 weeks. God bless you.
Janie with her gifts |
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