Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Let's Take a Break

This picture is one I took with my laptop's camera.  It is what my poor computer has to look at while I am doing my French lessons each morning.  The lessons are going well but grammar and spelling are killing me.  I had to repeat one session three times before I made a passing grade.  If you make less than 80% it asks you to repeat the lesson. 

Break time use to be my favorite time at Lebus Mfg. Company.  It was time to stop working and to rest.  I use to go and get a cup of coffee and maybe a snack at break time.  When I first started to work in the Die Shop at Lebus they had me sweeping the floor and cleaning.  Come break time I was ready to rest.  I use to get a package of peanuts out of the vending machine and would take them home for Janie to enjoy.  It use to make me sad when she would finish eating them but that is a whole other story I will have to tell here some time.

Right now I am taking a break from sermonizing.  I am working on a new sermon for Sunday morning.  It is an exciting text and very convicting. The text mentions the sabbath which was a day of rest.  It was to be a day unlike any other normal week day.  It was a day, a whole day, you gave to God.  After I blog I am going for a walk. We had a big fresh homemade salad for lunch that was really good.  I talked to my oldest daughter while I was grocery shopping this morning.  I had to go to the bank and the post office so I  while I was out I went by Brookshire's.  I talked with my youngest daughter while I ate lunch. I took a break from blogging and talked with Jason just now. He has joined a basket ball group in the town there and that is looking like a really good way to build relationships with people there.  Arianna has gained two pounds and she sure looks cute even on Skype. 

Well break time is over.  I better get to walking.  God bless you.

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