Thursday, September 16, 2010

Irons In The Fire

Lilia's collection of pet toys, Janie & Arianna behind her
Janie and I stayed up until midnight stuffing 286 envelopes.  They are all stamped and ready to be mailed to the churches of the Missionary Baptist Association of Texas.  I am going to run them over to the post office here in a bit.  It is my hope that most churches will fill out their church letter forms Online at for that will be a big help to me and the enrollment committee.  I am one of the two clerks for the M.B.A.of Texas.  It is good that I do not have to do the State clerk job alone.  Hopefully the State minute book will go to press before the end of the year.  This year I am going to see if I can get everything for the State minute book on my computer also.  Normally I only have on my computer my notes of the meeting but this year I want to be able to back up the other clerk's work and be able, if needed, to publish the minute book myself should something happen, God forbid, to the other clerk's computer. 
Our local Association meeting will be at our church on October 2nd.  I am the clerk/treasurer for our local association which means I take care of the money and have the minute books printed and mailed out.  I plan to have the local minutes printed out and ready to go before the State Association meeting in November. That is an ambitious goal but one I think I can achieve.  
I have often thought about taking some irons out of the fire.  I sometimes think that at 57 I should start winding down a bit.  I could give up both clerk jobs and the camp registrar's job and the tech support for and that would give me more time for other things.  I have even considered not pushing for the doctor's degree and just write my book on the Song of Songs without the pressure of a deadline.  A friend just asked me to consider taking on another task/responsiblity and I am praying about that.  My health is good and I seem to have plenty of energy.  There are somethings that I would like to spend more time doing like, visitation, woodworking, hiking, learning French, learning Biblical Hebrew, and gardening.  The thing is this.... I am going to always have Irons in the fire.  I know myself well enough that for every one I take out I will but another in.  It boils down then to what Irons do I want in my fire.  I think, Lord willing, I will just keep the ones I have in there for now.
God bless you.

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