Monday, August 9, 2010


Janie's uncle Trenton turned 93 today.  The picture is one I took of him with his sister.  I took my mother-in-law over to his house after lunch so she could see him on his birthday.  We gave him gifts and cards and my brother-in-law baked him a cake.  I did some measuring to make a ramp so that my mother-in-law can get into his house with greater ease.  She has a time of it, trying to get up the steps to his house.  The next time I am here with my tools I will build the ramp and take her over to try it out.  He is not willing and really not able to leave his house except when he has to go to the doctor or the hospital. 

Sarah and Justin came over to attend the services and Janie's sister and her husband came to the services tonight.  Bro. Culley, my Doctoral thesis faculty advisor, came to their services tonight.  There was a big crowd there and excellent singing.   Justin and Sarah are going to spend the night here tonight and head home tomorrow.  God bless you.

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