Saturday, October 17, 2009

Revelation 17

Revelation chapter 17 will have our undivided attention Sunday. It is a tough chapter to expound. Chapter 18 is no picnic. Many hours were spent trying to get a handle on this text. With the LORD's help it will be understood.

We skyped with Jason and his kids today. It was good to see and hear them. It has been a long time since we saw them last. The kids have changed a lot the past year.

There are many things I would like to do. I would like to go to France, to Massachusetts, to Mississippi, and to Moss Hill, Texas to visit with relatives. I would like to hike the Grand Canyon, the PCT, and the AT. I would like to visit Yellow Stone National Park and Mount Rushmore. I may get all this done one day but if I don't I will not be disappointed. All of these things fade to nothing when I think of the greatest thing I want to do and will for sure do one day. I will meet the LORD in the air. That experience will be so great that nothing I do here on the earth will be worth mentioning in the here after. The picture is one I took with my cell phone at our recent family reunion. That is Jonathan in my lap. I was helping him with his lunch. God bless you.

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