Monday, October 26, 2009


It rained all night and all morning. The funeral service was held at the graveside and was very well attended considering the weather. The whole service lasted 20 minutes. Many had to wade through ankle deep water to reach the tent. It was 55 degrees and windy on top of the rain. It was a good time to be brief.

When we got back home we had soup and a sandwich for lunch and I went to the church to get the clothes I had left there after the baptism. While there I picked up three books I need for working on my thesis. I dropped by Sullivan Supply to drop off some keys and then went to the Post Office. Janie went with a friend to Curves and while she was gone I walked about two miles.

The first dish that Janie ever cooked for me was Frito Pie. I had never eaten it before and I remember how much I loved it. Well now that it seems I am no longer allergic to corn she made me a Frito Pie (pictured). She made it just like she did back in 1973. It was really really GOOD! God bless you.

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