Thursday, April 2, 2009


I spent today with my mother. She had me to go and get her a new TV. She had said she wanted a 19 inch TV and so that is what I got her. After setting it up she thought it was too small so I boxed it back up and exchanged it for a 26 inch. She liked that one much better. I also called and signed her up for satellite TV. They will come out Saturday and hook that up then she will be able to have hundreds of channels where she only has 3 now.

Janie spent the day with her dad in Tyler. It was a long day for them with little to nothing to eat until they got home. I worry about Janie spending a long day without eating. She said she did get some peanut butter crackers out of a vending machine at the hospital and that kept her from starving.

We have a family plan with our cell phones. On our plan I have a phone, Janie has a phone, both my daughters have phones and one of my son-in-laws has a phone. It is hard to keep track of them all. The benefit for me is that at least one of these five phones at any given time is eligible for an up grade. I usually steal the up grade for myself and that way I get a more up to date phone and pass mine on to someone else. I up grade my phone today with one that has a better camera (3 mp) and a large touch screen. I like it and it does take good pictures. It only took a few minutes to get the blue tooth connection to working with my laptop. The picture above is the first one I took with the new phone while we were at the phone store. This second picture is of Janie's uncle and her mother visiting out in the driveway. He had been taken to the doctor by Jaine's sister and had stopped by for a quick visit.
Tomorrow I will spend the day working on my doctoral prospectus. It is getting really close to being finished and then after proof reading and corrections it will be ready to turn in. It is back to Hillsboro on Saturday via a stop in Canton to pick up a present for my father-in-law's birthday. I am trying to talk my brother, Steve, into starting a blog and I hope he will. If he does I will put a link on my blog so you can check it out. God bless you.

1 comment:

Anastacia Maness said...

I wouldn't exactly say you were "stealing" the upgrade being as you pay more than the rest of us for your part of the plan. I would say you deserve the upgrade. :)

Your new phone takes really good pictures. I'm impressed!