This picture is one I took with my laptop's camera. It is what my poor computer has to look at while I am doing my French lessons each morning. The lessons are going well but grammar and spelling are killing me. I had to repeat one session three times before I made a passing grade. If you make less than 80% it asks you to repeat the lesson.
Break time use to be my favorite time at Lebus Mfg. Company. It was time to stop working and to rest. I use to go and get a cup of coffee and maybe a snack at break time. When I first started to work in the Die Shop at Lebus they had me sweeping the floor and cleaning. Come break time I was ready to rest. I use to get a package of peanuts out of the vending machine and would take them home for Janie to enjoy. It use to make me sad when she would finish eating them but that is a whole other story I will have to tell here some time.
Right now I am taking a break from sermonizing. I am working on a new sermon for Sunday morning. It is an exciting text and very convicting. The text mentions the sabbath which was a day of rest. It was to be a day unlike any other normal week day. It was a day, a whole day, you gave to God. After I blog I am going for a walk. We had a big fresh homemade salad for lunch that was really good. I talked to my oldest daughter while I was grocery shopping this morning. I had to go to the bank and the post office so I while I was out I went by Brookshire's. I talked with my youngest daughter while I ate lunch. I took a break from blogging and talked with Jason just now. He has joined a basket ball group in the town there and that is looking like a really good way to build relationships with people there. Arianna has gained two pounds and she sure looks cute even on Skype.
Well break time is over. I better get to walking. God bless you.
"Brother Paul" is the pastor of Walnut Street Missionary Baptist Church, Janie's Husband since December of 1973, father of three, and grandfather of eighteen.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Monday, September 27, 2010
What a productive day
Me and Elijah, grandchild no. 9 |
Sunday, September 26, 2010
Out And Out Fun
Enjoying Pomegranates at the Taylor house |
We had a good crowd at church today. The services went very well and choir practice was just out and out fun. I have a very busy week ahead with the local association meeting at our church on Saturday. I have to get ready for that and get sermons ready for Sunday, Tuesday, and Wednesday. I am running behind on so many things. I am way behind schedule on my thesis and as soon as I get the local minute book ready to go I have to work on the database for the State association meeting. I have a meeting tomorrow morning and one tomorrow afternoon. Two meetings on Tuesday and one on Wednesday. We need to go to Canton on Thursday, Henderson on Friday and back to Hillsboro for the meeting on Saturday. Busy Busy. God bless you.
Friday, September 24, 2010
A Concert
Connie, Susie, Lara, and Charlcye |
A private concert for the Taylors |
Tom Peveler, Lara, and Janie at the concert |
We must leave in about an hour to head for another doctor's office. I am taking my father-in-law to Longview this time to see a doctor there. I got up early this morning and worked on my French lesson. Janie and I took her parents trash off and visited with her uncle Trenton. We had a good visit with him and returned home and I cooked some eggs and bacon for Janie and her mother for breakfast. I talked to my daughter, Stacie, for a while and will be seeing her and family tonight. We have not seen them in a long time. We will head back to Hillsboro tomorrow afternoon. God bless you.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
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My Father-in-law at the doctor's office Today |
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
New Sermons
Bro. Paul, preaching at the nursing home |
Touring Carcassone with the grandkids |
The French lessons are coming along better than I had expected. I am using RosettaStone software and it is very effective. They say in their advertisement that you don't have to memorize anything and I could not understand how that could be. How else will you remember what a word means if you don't memorize the word and put it with its English counterpart. Well it is true to its claim. The software has thus far not yet spoken one word of English to me. NOT ONE! Yet when I hear the French word for cat, "chat", I don't translate the word I think of a cat. The software makes you think in French. I can see how this is going to work very well for me. I started to translate the words and caught myself. You don't translate you put the word with the action or thing that it represents. The part that is giving me problems is grammar. I score well on knowing what things and actions are but when you put them into sentences and you must match gender and number and such I score very low. I get upper 90's and 100's on speaking and knowing the words but 60's and 80's in putting the right words with those nouns and verbs. The learning process is just begun but it is looking good.
Well its back to work. God bless you.
Monday, September 20, 2010
The Next Thing
Bro. Paul leading the singing at the nursing home |
Janie and her mother heading for the beauty shop |
The church in Lorena voted to have services every Tuesday night. I love to preach and am excited about having more opportunities to do so. I have not completely decided what to preach for them but am leaning toward the book of Proverbs. The Holy Spirit has been silent as far as I can tell about what I am too preach this Sunday. If He remains silent I will take that to mean that He intends for me to proceed with the plan to preach from the book of Matthew. Well its time to move to the next thing. God bless you.
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Parlez-vous français? Not Yet
Justin and Sarah's new home |
This afternoon I began my first French lesson. It is a very long journey but I shall be patient. I am resolved to learn this language and have set aside time each day for this purpose. Tomorrow while the Ladies Auxiliary meets at our house I plan to work on my thesis. I am anxious to return to that labor and shall do so with much delight. I have too few index cards to begin the sorting process so the actual setting down of the words of the thesis is still far away.
Yesterday we visited our daughter and got to see there new home. It was very nice indeed. If it were located in the middle of a 200 acre farm I believe they would be most content. They have cows on one place, pigs, turkeys and other fowl on another, and chickens on yet another place. God truly has blessed them. Its off to bed now. I plan to do my French lessons first thing each morning so had better get a good nights rest. God bless you.
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Sewing in the Morning
Mother's new sewing machine |
Mother checking out the book on her new machine |
Janie and I will head back to Hillsboro this morning stopping to see our daughter's new house in Palestine. I preached the sermon that I am going to do Sunday to my in-laws last night. It made me anxious to preach it Sunday morning. God bless you.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
Irons In The Fire
Lilia's collection of pet toys, Janie & Arianna behind her |
Our local Association meeting will be at our church on October 2nd. I am the clerk/treasurer for our local association which means I take care of the money and have the minute books printed and mailed out. I plan to have the local minutes printed out and ready to go before the State Association meeting in November. That is an ambitious goal but one I think I can achieve.
I have often thought about taking some irons out of the fire. I sometimes think that at 57 I should start winding down a bit. I could give up both clerk jobs and the camp registrar's job and the tech support for and that would give me more time for other things. I have even considered not pushing for the doctor's degree and just write my book on the Song of Songs without the pressure of a deadline. A friend just asked me to consider taking on another task/responsiblity and I am praying about that. My health is good and I seem to have plenty of energy. There are somethings that I would like to spend more time doing like, visitation, woodworking, hiking, learning French, learning Biblical Hebrew, and gardening. The thing is this.... I am going to always have Irons in the fire. I know myself well enough that for every one I take out I will but another in. It boils down then to what Irons do I want in my fire. I think, Lord willing, I will just keep the ones I have in there for now.
God bless you.
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
My Forgetter Works Good
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Me and Marie, a long time member of Walnut St. Baptist |
I have typed the exposition of 7 of the 10 verses I will be covering in the Sunday sermon. I will try to finish that off in the morning. I went by the bank, Post Office, mission treasurer's house, and the church. I am suppose to be walking right now but thought I would blog first before I forgot it. You know, I never forget to eat. I never forget to sleep. I never forget to go to church. I did forget to pick Janie up from work once but not twice. Forgetting is a common malady. I just wish it would happen less. I have a funeral tomorrow afternoon and then its off to Henderson. We really want to go see our grandkids in Moss Hill, its just a matter of picking a day. I suspect we will go to Henderson on a Thursday and then to Moss Hill on a Friday morning. That would probably work best for us. Well I better get to walking. God bless you.
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
Jet Lag Over
On the way to school in Limoux France |
We have a lunch engagement with a friend today and then this afternoon at 5:00 we will head down to Lorena for services there. They had listened to a recording of one of my sermons in their Sunday morning services and I had run out of time and announced that I would finish that sermon in the evening services. I got a phone call requesting that I come prepared to finish that sermon so as not to leave them hanging. I have that sermon out and will preach that for them this evening.
The bulletin is ready for Sunday and today I will get the sermon for Sunday typed up. I am going to attempt to preach through the book of Genesis on Sunday mornings and will start that series most likely in January. I had planned not to do a series like that until I finished my thesis but the LORD had other plans for me. I just can't seem to keep Genesis off of my mind so I will yield to His leading. I am planning to preach on a Christmas theme each Sunday in December which is not that far away.
Ok its off to study now, the ladies will be here in 2 hours. God bless you.
Monday, September 13, 2010
Untitled Hymn
When I woke this morning,
the Holy Spirit came.
He told me "son your life is not a game."
You need Jesus,
You need Jesus,
You need Jesus, to live.
We went before the throne,
He waited at my side.
I praised the Lord, for me it was He died.
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus
Thank you Jesus, I live.
For some things I asked Him,
I confessed my guilt of sin.
I felt so undeserving deep within.
I love you Jesus
Love you Jesus
Love you Jesus, you live.
I lingered just a moment,
When amen I'd said.
I got upon my feet and rose from bed.
I'll live for Jesus
live for Jesus
live for Jesus, He lives.
Thankful for my breakfast.
Thankful for my wife.
Thankful God has given eternal life.
Now go serve Jesus
go serve Jesus
go serve Jesus, and live.
Janie and I overlooking the Aude river in Limoux |
At the funeral yesterday a young man sang the song "Untitled Hymn." It is a beautiful song written by Chris Rice. Google it on and check it out. That tune was stuck in my head this morning. The lyrics above came to me this morning and so I have shared them with you.
God is moving in my life and I am just following His lead. I woke this morning with my mind full of the things that I needed to get done. All of a sudden the Holy Spirit called me to the throne and a chill went down my spine. I obeyed and began to pray. Now don't think me crazy. I do not hear voices in my head. The Holy Spirit speaks to my heart. I would never pray at all if the Holy Spirit did not move me to prayer. My spiritual ears have been cleaned out it seems and I am more aware than ever of the actions, and the voice of the Holy Spirit of God.
Today I will preach at the nursing home, visit some of our shut-ins, and prepare the bulletin for Sunday. Tuesday I will teach the Ladies Bible Study and preach in the services down in Lorena. Wednesday will find me meeting with 3 other pastors in Corsicanna and I will preach our evening services. Thursday afternoon I have a graveside service to officiate and then its off to Henderson. All of these tasks have been given to me by the Lord and I will, in His strength, do my best. Well it is time for Bible reading, and I need to review my sermon for this mornings service. God bless you.
Sunday, September 12, 2010
Our grandson, Andrew beside a tractor in France |
Janie and me with our 5 grandkids in France |
Saturday, September 11, 2010
We are Home
Janie with our new found friends in France |
Jason, Me, and Hicham, the pastor in Carcassonne |
Wednesday, September 8, 2010
Are We There Yet
Lilia, Caleb, and me at the summit marker mount Pic de Brau |
Lilia, Me, and Caleb about 1/3 of the way up the mountain. |
This evening we took the kids to a carnival in town. They had a really good time. They were so excited. We returned home and Jason and Angie cooked us another outstanding meal.
Caleb, Andrew, and Micah at the carnival |
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Micah, Jason, Caleb, Andrew, Janie, and Lilia in front of the castle |
Sweet Arianna, her feet are ticklish |
Monday, September 6, 2010
Publish Post |
Now that's what you call a yawn. |
We went grocery shopping with Jason this afternoon. Supper consisted of fish sticks, mixed veggies, a baguette, and some pasta. It was very good. For dessert we had Panna Cotta that was really good. Everyone has gone to bed but Janie and I so I guess we should head that way. God bless you.
Sunday, September 5, 2010
Fait Le Bise
Fellowship at the church in Carcassone. |
Last Sunday I was new to this culture but this Sunday I "Fait le bise"d like everyone else. Now for those of you who do not know what that is let me enlighten you. "Fait le bise" is what you call the way they greet each other here in France. It is to gesture a kiss to the right cheek and then to the left of the person you are greeting. Now most limit it to just that while others actually kiss your cheeks. It was not as uncomfortable a thing as I thought it would be. I have a son-in-law that would hurt you if you tried such a thing with him.
During our meal I got to visit with the retired pastor of the church at Carcassone. We had a really good Bible discussion and I look forward to our email conversations in the future on various Bible topics.
The services at Walnut Street went very well. I enjoyed the singing and the sermon. I look forward to being back there next Sunday.
The men washing the dishes after the fellowship |
Saturday, September 4, 2010
She is Home
Janie in the back seat on the way to IKEA |
We have seen three crops that grow here in southern France, grapes, sunflowers, and maze. We have eaten locally grown strawberries and they were excellent.
Arianna in a new outfit at home |
Friday, September 3, 2010
Shopping in France
Rabbits, eye balls and all, at a meat market Limoux, France |
Now that is fresh Chicken |
Janie wanted to feel of the river water, it was cold. |
Thursday, September 2, 2010
Escargot, does not taste like chicken |
The Bible Study group, Magrie, France |
Jason cooked our supper tonight before the Bible study. We had smoked chicken, string beans, corn and escargot. Jason and I were the only ones to eat the escargot. For those who may not know what that is I have place a picture of it here. They are snails and they were not bad at all. They really don't have much taste and are not as slimy as you might think. We cleaned up after supper and got ready for the arrival of the Bible study group. There were five in attendance besides us. Jason played the guitar and led the singing of two songs. He turned it over to me for the lesson. Three of the five did not speak English so Jason started off translating and then turned it over to the retired pastor of the church at Carcassonne to translate the rest of the way. It was hard to keep up with me though I tried to keep it slow and simple. We closed the service with a chain prayer and then visited a bit before the five left. It was a good Bible study time and all seemed to enjoy it.
Jason has gone to spend the night with Angie. Janie and I will get the kids up and ready for school in the morning. Jason will return to carry them to school and to take us to the Friday market day in town. It will be a good morning of site seeing and shopping. We will probably stay in town until noon when the kids get out for lunch.
Angie and Arianna are doing fine. I don't know when they will come home but we are looking forward to seeing them outside of the hospital. I am going to check my email and head for bed. God bless you.
Wednesday, September 1, 2010
Qu'est-ce Que C'est Vomit?
Caleb, Lilia, Andrew, Micah on top of the hill near their house |
Janie outside Curves in Carcassonne, France |
Janie with Curves worker next to the dreaded stretch machine |
I will miss being with Janie tonight. She will enjoy time with the baby and I am sure will be very tired tomorrow. I don't know what will happen tomorrow if any of the other kids get sick they may call off the Bible Study. Hopefully none of the rest of them or us will get sick. I better head for bed quick to keep my resistance up. It has been good to be here and I hope that we have been able to be a help to Jason and Angie. The things we do on our vacation to the south of France is probably nothing like the things most people do when they vacation is such an exotic place. I have studied the Bible today and I always enjoy that. I have washed dishes today and cleaned up after a sick child. How many vacationers to Europe can say that. God bless you.
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