Thursday, July 15, 2010

The Best and Worst of Times

It was the best of times, it was the worst of times. This opening line from "A Tail of Two Cities" came to my mind at 3:00 this morning. It very much describes our night last night. We had one of our girls saved at the close of the evening services. It is truly the best of times! About 1:15 this morning I was awakened abruptly. My bed is right by the back door. Five boys from other dorms tossed several stink bombs and two smoke bombs into our dorm via the back door. They also had a bull horn and were screaming something into it right by my head. One of the smoke bombs was under my bed. As I got out of bed I saw flames being put out where the second bomb had set a shoe or something on fire. One of the college kids quickly got the bomb out from under my bed and kicked it out the back door. I saw then there was no real danger and I stepped out side coughing. I coughed until about three this morning. I had gone to the nurses station and got a cough drop and that helped. I thought of the kids that had done this and that verse that says Foolishness is bound in the heart of a child. God is going to bring good from this the worst of times.  They caught the boys who did it and 4:00 this morning they were removed from the camp grounds and will not be allowed back. I was amazed at how fast the college guys reacted and did what had to be done.  I was still in a daze while these guys were putting out fires and clearing the smoke and catching the bad guys. 

The first picture was taken by Janie of me with our church group at camp.  The second is of the ropes course and zip line.  Janie was not willing to give this a try.  This zip line is the longest one in the state of Arkansas.  It stretches 900 feet and is a good 60 feet off the ground at its highest point.  You have to cross the ropes course in order to ride the zip line.  The third is of one of the organized recreation activities.  They had to hold that bucket of water with their feet while taking off their shoes one by one without using their hands. 

We have just heard a really good testimony from a preacher who had a nervous break down. I am going to take a nap now. God bless you.

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