Thursday, January 20, 2011

Drill, Drill

My in-laws napping together yesterday
Wednesday I spent the day with my mother and Father-in-law at the hospital.  We stayed there from noon until 6:00.  It seems he has a contagious disease called C. Dif. He is in a good humor but his mind is still confused.  Tuesday night he had gotten out of the hospital bed on his own trying to sit in a chair.  He tore the I.V. out of his arm and that place on his arm looks real bad.  He had a good day Wednesday and as far as I have heard today went well for him. They moved him to a private room because he is contagious.  He ate well yesterday.  He does not like chicken salad sandwiches but he ate one.  He did not ask nor was he told what it was.  I salted it real good for him and he ate the whole thing. They expect that he will get out of the hospital tomorrow or the next day.  He seems to love being in the hospital.  He does not have to get out of bed at all.  When he goes back to the nursing home they will get him up at 7:30 and make him sit in a chair for hours.  He does not like that at all.  
Janie and her mother checking out at Wal-mart last night
Janie and I went to the dentist office today.  We were there from 9:00 to noon. At one point the dentist was telling me a story and it made me laugh which was a hard thing to do with a mouth full of cotton and dental instruments. Janie had two small fillings and they did not have to deaden her mouth.  For her sake I am glad that the experience was not that bad.
Janie only got 2 hours sleep last night so she is taking a nap right now.  She stayed up working on the new website for Sullivan Supply which went live this morning.  There are some bugs as we expected and they are being dealt with one by one. I am about to head up to the hospital to pick up my mother-in-law.  She wanted to stay there as long as she could.  Connie, Janie's sister, has something going tonight and could not stay as long as her mother needed her to.  After we get back I will work on the van and try to repair the back door and then we will head for Hillsboro.  It is suppose to be 24 degrees tonight in Hillsboro.  It is in the 30's here in Henderson right now.
Me in the dentist chair waiting my turn.
We talked to Jason this afternoon and his doctor's appointment went well.  He is going to have a test done to determine what the problem may be so keep him in your prayers.  Angie is coughing really badly.  Well its off to Tyler.  God bless you.

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