Sunday, August 23, 2009


Well let me try this again. I just wrote this blog on the Tribman blog and so I deleted it there and tried to copy it here and it did not work. So here goes again.

The church had a fellowship after services today in honor of my birthday. The services were good and the special that our music director sang had me on shouting ground. Our attendance was up and the food afterward was great. I got lots of cards and gifts and spent this afternoon writing thank you notes. Tonight we have Junior Choir practice before our services and the business meeting right after services. In the morning we will head over to Tyler to check on Bro. Davis and help the man who had surgery last week get back home to Hillsboro. Thursday I will spend my day off with Bro. Davis, Lord willing, and Friday morning at school. I have much work to do at the school and will spend about four hours in the Library.
I talked to Jason this afternoon and they are doing well. I had to get from him how much he owed the language school so I could report that at business meeting tonight. He owes $15, 747.00 roughly, depending on the exchange rate. Tonight at business meeting we are going to consider paying this off out of our churches general fund.
The picture is one I took a few months ago after one of our evening services were over. Janie and I turn the lights out and lock up after services. I snapped this picture while waiting for the sound booth computer to shutdown. God bless you.

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