Friday, October 1, 2010

Paul's Guardian Angel Here...

Paul, today at Canton
It is quite a chore keeping Paul safe with as much driving as he does. He started his day with a prayer to God for safety in traveling back home.  I had to slow him down a bit and that is not so hard he is not very daring when it comes to passing cars.  If there is a car in sight he will not pass the car in front of him.  So for his safety I got a little help from other angels in the area.  He followed a very cautious driver for 50 miles and was just as patient as he could be.  I was so proud of him.  He was distracted for just a moment when he saw his daughter and son-in-law walking on the side walk just as you come to the main stop light in Canton.  I had cleared the way in front of him and behind him so he would neither hit nor be hit by anyone.  He wisely pulled into the corner gas station to use his cellphone to call them.  They went their separate ways and did not get to see each other except for that horn blow and wave exchange.

Watching out for him while he walked around Canton was easy.  He is, after all, 57 years old and walks with caution being very aware of those around him.  When he left Canton I arranged for a cautious driver to lead him for about 30 miles and with a little tag team maneuver I kept a slow driver in front of him for another 30 miles. He was in hurry to get home but he rightly assumed that God was working all things together for his good and so was content to follow my carefully chosen pace car. I got him home safely in answer to his prayer. They needed to go to Wal-mart for a few things they would need for the local Baptist association meeting.  He ended up needing my help there just a little bit. I moved him over just a foot so that the large vase he knocked over was the metal one and not the ceramic one right beside it.  The loud noise it made was embarrassment enough.  It would have been extra hard on him if he had, along with the noise, sent shards of ceramic all over the isle. I led him to Lea's cash register.  I knew he would want to talk to her since she is one of the ones he enjoys visiting with.  She is an Episcopalian and attends when she does not have to work.  She works most every Sunday though.  Lea had just had a birthday and treated herself to a trip and while scanning away she told him about it.
Janie about to head for Curves one day last week

He is home safe so I can take a break for now. Let me end this with the same prayer for you that he would make.  God bless you.

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