Monday, September 28, 2009

Tooth Extraction

The Tooth is gone!! It took her some doing but she got that pesky tooth out of my mouth. The decay under the filling was extensive and it was either a $2000 repair or a $200 repair so I went with the later. "I don't want to make you feel bad but you have worn me out and I have two more extractions to do this morning" the Dentist said as she bid me farewell. It was quite an ordeal and though she was about the size of my wife Janie I thought she was going to break my jaw with the pressure she exerted on that tooth. I have to leave this wad of gauze in my mouth for another 1/2 hour then I can eat things that do not have to be chewed. Tomorrow I should be able to eat normally being careful not to let food get stuck in the hole. I have to rinse it with warm salt water 3 to 5 times tomorrow. The picture is one I took at the dentist's office (Dr. Hurt) in Henderson.

I need to take it easy today because of this tooth so I plan to mow the yard, work on the ladies Bible study lesson for in the morning, work on my thesis, and cook some soup for lunch and supper. I will run over to the church after lunch and get some work done there and then return home to finish off the day. I have already been to the Post Office and the business supply center this morning.
The feeling is beginning to return to my tongue and lips so I think I'll get started on lunch. God bless you.

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