Friday, July 11, 2008

A Quick Update

I have only had about 2 hours sleep in 2 days so I will give this quick update. We will be visiting with family here in Henderson on Saturday and will return to Hillsboro Saturday night. We will spend Sunday in Hillsboro and then Monday morning we plan to go with the youth and one of the ladies from our church to Bogg Springs Camp in Arkansas. We will get them settled in there and then head back to Henderson either Monday night or Tuesday morning. On Wednesday at 10:00 AM we will gather at Langley Cemetery in Beckville Texas for a short memorial service. I am not sure what we will do next. If all is going well with Mother we may return to Arkansas and finish the week at camp. If we need to stay in Henderson we will do that and the youth and their sponsor will have the church van to return home to Hillsboro. We shall see how things go and play it by ear taking things a day at a time. The picture is of my Dad and Mother at their 60th celebration. He was a good husband and Father. God bless you.

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