Thursday, November 19, 2009


My mother had a visitor today. He stayed for about five hours and they had a really good visit. Mother showed him her birthday cards and had him to read a letter she had gotten on her birthday from her youngest daughter. She seemed very proud of this letter. As he read it aloud to her she seemed to love hearing it again. Her visitor had intended to take her out for lunch for her birthday but she insisted on cooking lunch and just enjoying the company. They sat outside and watched the sky turn from clear and sunny to gray and cloudy. The conversation ranged from 1924 to 2009 with several stops in between. She reviewed with him many of the changes she has seen in her lifetime. Her generation truly is amazing and unique. It truly was a memorable visit.

Janie spent the day with her parents. She took her mother to the doctor's and all went well there. They took some lunch home with them to her uncle and to her dad. She was napping when I called to see if they needed anything from town. They did but I was very glad when Janie wanted me to come and get her first and we could go together. It was worth the drive out to Chapman so that we could be together. We walked the isles of Wal-Mart and at one point she made me laugh out loud. This Thanksgiving season I will say a very special prayer of thanks to God for her. We are back now and in the morning while Janie takes her mother to the hair dresser I will go by and visit with her uncle. I plan a trip over to see Bro. Davis tomorrow and run my Sunday sermon by him. The picture above was one I took today of my mother and her visitor. This second picture I took of Janie as she was adding to the grocery list for her parents. God bless you.

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