Tuesday, November 24, 2009


We have a water pipe leaking under the slab of the parsonage here in Hillsboro. I called the plumber and he took a look at it this morning. He was able to narrow it down to the cold water and that it is somewhere near the hot water heater. Which line it is will have to be determined and then bypassed. If it is the main line it will take two days to repair. He is going to start on it Monday. We will shut the water off at night and when we are away.

The picture is of a game I was playing last night with my grandchildren. It was fun. Hannah the youngest granddaughter did not have the patience for the game like her older siblings so she gave up and went to play with Jonathan. Joshua won and Ruth (pictured) came in second.

I have been nominated and elected to make homemade rolls for Thanksgiving at Janie's parents house. These were always made by her mother before and I would never have dreamed that making them would fall to me. I enjoy making them and so tomorrow night I will get them ready to go. I am looking forward to Thanksgiving and hope each of you who read this blog have a great one as well. God bless you.

1 comment:

The Brown Recluse (TBR) said...

At my family gathering, you'd be a favorite with those rolls!
Happy Thanksgiving :)