Saturday, March 22, 2008


I was reading "Pacific Crest Trail" and noticed that day 3 and day 4 of our hike will be long stretches of no water. Day 3 there will be a 24 mile stretch of no certain water supply. On Day 4 there will be no dependable water supply for 22 miles. Both of these days are going to be hot with little or no shade. Sunday I will be preaching on the subject of "The Largest Resurrection." The people who will be a part of this resurrection will spend eternity in a place were it will be hot and there will be, even though it is called a lake, no water. It is my prayer for you, dear reader, that if you are a part of this largest of resurrection you will repent and turn to Jesus Christ and in prayer ask Him from the depths of your heart to forgive you of your sin and have mercy on your soul. If you will do this your name will be written in the book of life and you will be a part of the resurrection of life and of the just and not a part of the resurrection of damnation. God bless you.

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