Friday, August 12, 2011


Arianna trying to walk
Yesterday and today we are taking time to relax.  The girls have gone to the market to shop and the boys are having what Jason calls "boy time."  They are playing video games while Arianna plays in her walker and I blog.  Our vacation to France has gone really well.  We are having a really good time. Yesterday Janie and I walked with Jason to a neighbor's house to water their garden and to pick tomatoes and squash.  There were a lot of ripe tomatoes and they taste really good.  We had supper out on the back porch and the weather was perfect.  It has been about 80 degrees each day and in the 60's each night.  
Jason and family in a bomb crater Pointe du Hoc Normandy
My siblings, via email and Facebook, have been keeping me posted as to my mother's condition.  I called and talked with her and she did not sound like herself at all.  I am look forward to our return and to being able to see her the week after next.  God bless you.

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