Friday, May 13, 2011

Wedding Bells

Our son-in-law and daughter at their church/daycare building
We went over to Henderson on Thursday thinking we had a dentist appointment but that is not until next week.  We figured this out before we got all the way there so it was just partly wasted travel.  We went to Palestine instead to visit with our daughter and son-in-law there.  We had supper with them and then went back to Hillsboro.  This is Friday and we are about to head back to Henderson for my niece's wedding rehearsal.  The wedding is Saturday morning and then we will head back to Hillsboro.  While we were in Henderson yesterday we upgraded Janie's cell phone to an IPhone.  We wanted to give Sarah Janie's old phone because Sarah's phone was very old.  Janie likes her IPhone and now you can expect to see all kinds of pictures posted on her Facebook page.  I often take candid pictures of her and post them and now she can pay me back. 
A candid shot of Janie heading for the car
I have a funeral on Sunday.  This lady was 100 years old and she was the cause of my preaching through the book of John.  She was a really sweet lady and will be missed.  Also Sunday the Texas Mission builders director will be at our church to evaluate the work that needs to be done to our building.  The building was erected in 1983 and needs a lot of work to replace rotted boards and siding.  It is a major project and is going to cost a lot.  TMB will provide the labor for free so the cost will all be in the materials.  I am guessing the materials will cost well over $10,000.00. 
We followed this truck for several miles. What is that?
We saw a prayer answered this morning.  We arrived at the hospital to visit one of our church members and the nurse was having a hard time starting the IV.   The nurse left the room and we had prayer that the next IV attempt would go well and it did.   I don't like being stuck with a needle and I hate to watch someone being stuck repeatedly. 
This last picture is of a truck we followed for several miles.  It turned out to be a tire company of some kind.  I think that is a picture of an American Indian.  If the two green bars had been black I might have thought the artist was depicting an Indian run over by a car.  Well I had better put this away and head for Henderson.  God bless you.

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