Sunday, April 24, 2011


Another birthday party at the Ladies Bible Study
We had 101 at church today.  The services were good and almost everyone seemed joyful.  Sarah and Justin came by for a visit this afternoon which was a pleasant surprise.  We fried some catfish and ate lunch together.  They had gotten up extra early for a sunrise service and were noticeably tired.  It was a good visit and I would love to see them do that often.  Jason called while they were here and talked with them while Janie and I put lunch on the table. 
They headed home and we headed for our evening services.  There were not many at the services and we cut the service short so that we could go to the funeral home for a family visitation.  I will be preaching the funeral in the morning at 10:00 and have just now finished typing that sermon.  I often repeat funeral sermons.  I have a dozen or so that I like to use.  But when it comes to our church members I like to make them special and unique.  I am looking forward to this funeral for there is no doubt in my mind that she was saved. 
Janie has just finished baking cookies for the lunch at the church tomorrow.  She will make some baked beans in the morning to carry as well.  I am going to call it a day and try to rise early tomorrow to get ready for a busy day.  God bless you.

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