My mother-in-law and her brother who was born in 1917 |
I ate Thanksgiving lunch with my father-in-law and Janie back in the living room where my father-in-law spends his days sitting in his lift chair. Everyone else was in the dining room and kitchen eating. After a great day at my in-law's house Thursday and having cleaned up the kitchen we headed back to Hillsboro by way of the lights in Athens. All three of our older grandkids were able to stick their heads out of the moon roof window of our car at the same time to enjoy the lights. We stopped for a hamburger first then went to see the lights. We made it home about 10:00 last night.
Ruth, Hannah, and Joshua roasting marshmallows |
Today is our second day of Thanksgiving. We had our two daughters and their families with us here in Hillsboro. The older four grandkids saw to it that we did not sleep late. I got up and went to work on the meal. The turkey cooked overnight and was ready by 10:00. The oldest two, Joshua and Ruth, helped me make the dressing and the veggies. We ate around 1:00 and Joshua lead our prayer. I fed Elijah as everyone else ate and if I delayed long between bites he would begin rapidly opening and closing his fists. If a bite did not head his way he became very vocal. I enjoyed every minute of it.
Me and my son-in-laws Thanksgiving day 2010 |
After lunch we all sat in the living room and watched a cartoon movie, "Monsters Vs. Aliens." Stacie and Scott took off to celebrate their anniversary and will be back around midnight. Justin and Sarah helped me start the fire in the fire pit and soon we had a nice fire in the fire pit encircled by lawn chairs. Janie stayed inside coming out once only for a moment. After the fire died down a bit Justin put the grate over it and cooked some hot dogs. We all went inside to eat our dogs then returned to the fire to roast marshmallows. The kids had a good time. It was about 38 degrees outside and no wind at all. There should be heavy frost here in the morning.
My in-law's bedroom Thanksgiving day 2010 | | |
Janie got the kids settled down in bed while I cleaned up the kitchen. She is going to work a bit so I decided to blog before heading for bed. It has been a great day. God bless you.
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