Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Funeral Day, Burrrrr

The family visitation at Rader Funeral last night
I got up at 6:00 and had breakfast with my mother-in-law this morning.  The temperature started out at 60 but within an hour it was 34 degrees.  There was a huge crowd at the funeral home for the visitation. The crowd at the funeral was much smaller.  It was snowing when we pulled into the parking lot and the temperature was 26 degrees.  The wind was blowing at about 30 mph.  It was really cold for Texas.  Dr. Ray Brooks suggested to my mother-in-law that we not have the graveside service due to the cold weather.  She agreed and so we had the services and all went well except for one thing.  We had left out of the list of the surviving family members the name of Jim's brother Joe Taylor and his wife Virgina.  We called to have them reprint the obit in the paper but forgot to tell the pastor to add it to his list that he read at the funeral.  Janie came to the podium at the close of the service and mentioned him and apologized to his family.  The service lasted almost an hour and half.  We will be going to the cemetery on Friday to lay his body to rest in the ground.  We do not know a time yet but I expect it will in the afternoon when it warms up a little.  There were lots of flowers.  Below are some of the pictures I have taken in the past two days.  I have much to do this week besides my regular work load.  I will get the bulletin done tomorrow and the sermons for Sunday.  I plan to spend half a day working on my thesis. Thanks to all for prayers, things are going to be just fine.  God bless you.

Sarah and Justin holding Lara at the family visitation.
Some of the crowd at the visitation Monday night.

Janie's mother consoling her brother, Janie's uncle Trenton, at his home.

The flowers on the right were sent by Jason and Angie.

Visiting at the Taylor house after the visitation at the funeral home.

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