Monday, September 1, 2008


We think it safest to drive down to Moss Hill this afternoon. We will hopefully beat some of the returning traffic this way. We will spend the night at our daughter's and return to Hillsboro Tuesday Morning. We may have to drive through some rain but the weather and traffic coming back should not be bad at all. Tuesday afternoon we will put our car in the shop to have the plastic parts replaced. I have removed the plastic shield that was hanging down and draging the ground. Its purpose is 2 fold. It cuts down on wind resistance which inhances fuel efficiency and it keeps the motor compartment cleaner. I do not believe that it will harm the car in any way to make this trip without this plastic shield. We will be safe and hopefully will not hit any more animals. I still have not taken pictures of the car but will try to before taking it to the shop tomorrow.

I am about half way through with the sermon for Sunday and have already studied my text for Wednesday night. This means I am ahead of schedule for the week. The bus should be inspected by tomorrow and Wednesday morning I will make a dry run in my car to make sure I have the bus route down. I am so looking forward to Wednesday night, it is going to be exciting to share the Gospel with the kids. If it rains we will not run the bus but will have a meeting of the staff instead. The services went very well at the nursing home and the funeral did as well. The picture is of Janie in the kitchen at the parsonage. God bless you.

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