I believe that working on my doctoral thesis for the next 2 to 3 years will be the last of my formal education. While I have begun this last leg of fomal education my great niece is just begining hers. I went to grandparents day with Emma and had a great time. It is good to see this young one begin her educational journey. Her Kindergarten class is nothing like my first grade class back in 1959. Things have changed radically. There was a yard stick that had been painted green, yellow, and red hanging on the wall of her class room. This stick had clothes pins clipped to it each of which bore the name of one of the children in the class. One of the boys was rebuked for misbehaving in the lunch room. The teacher said he had made a bad choice and asked him what would have been a better choice. He responded to her satisfaction then she told him to move his clothes pin down which he did
moving it from the green area to the yellow. My first grade teacher, Mrs. Hart, would have taken the stick down from the wall and whipped me with it. I then would know that I had made a bad choice indeed. "Spare the rod, spoil the child" boy those were the days. In about 20 years she will catch up to me in time spent in school. Lets see I have 12 years of public school, 5 years of secular college, 9 years of seminary for a total of 26 years. I am 55 years old so that is about half of my life in school. Don't tell Emma that. It might discourage her.
I will be preaching on the subject of "The Suffering of Chirst" in the morning. It is time to observe the Lord's Supper and I plan to preach on this subject every Lord's Supper Sunday. This will prepare those who will return Sunday night for the observance and those who will not be returning for the evening service will have been reminded of Chirst's suffering which is the purpose of the Lord's Supper observance.
My car is in the shop and will not be ready until late next week if then. I sure do miss it. I went to Henderson in the truck and the gas mileage was abysmal (hopelessly bad or severe). We carried the lawn mower and mowed the yard at the old home place it is looking a whole lot better. I used my tractor to push the burned out pile in the back yard into a little neater pile. There is still much to do inside and out but a few hours spent on this each time we go to Henderson will get us slowly to where we want the place to be. The wasps are bad in the back yard and have stung my mother twice. I will spray them next week Lord willing. Headed for bed now and will rise early to meditate on the things of God to prepare myself for worship. Sunday morning at 6:00 is my favorite hour of prayer. God bless you.
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