Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Road Rode Mowed

Repairing Janie's Computer
Saturday last week we RODE from Henderson to Palestine to visit with Justin and Sarah.  We had lunch with them and enjoyed Naomi though she slept through most of our visit.  Saturday night I worked on Janie's old computer which had been taken out by a really bad virus.  I removed everything off the hard drive and loaded a new operating system called Ubuntu.  It works really well now and is much faster than before.  I am going to have to get a wireless transmitter for it so we can get on the internet.  I am going to put this computer at our cottage in Henderson.  This will give me a computer to work on while Janie is using my laptop to do her orders.  The Bible program on this computer is not as good as the one on my Mac but it will do. 
Ladies practicing their skit this Sunday afternoon
On Sunday we had a fellowship lunch after services.  The sermon on the Song of Songs went well though I did keep them over 10 minutes.  We had very few to stay for the fellowship which caused us concern.  We wondered why so few stayed and hoped there was not some sort of trouble brewing among our members.  I think most just had other plans or had forgotten about it and since they had not brought food thought it not right to stay and eat.  There was plenty of food for everyone and a lot of leftovers.  The food was really good.
Waiting for choir practice to begin
On Monday I went over to Sullivan Supply to help them with some computer problems.  I worked on the bulletin for Sunday and the sermon.  One of the ladies who comes to the ladies Bible study told us she heard that they would be working on the ROAD and that they might not be able to get to the parsonage.  We looked into it and sure enough the city had announced that they would be closing the ROAD which leads to our house.  We called off the Bible study.  I was able to get out and do some visitation so the ROAD was not a problem after all.  We went down to Lorena for a visit and had supper with the couple in whose house we usually have services.   We enjoyed a long visit with them.  They are planning to visit with us this next Sunday and we are looking forward to that. 
Naomi napping while we ate
Today I went over to the church for a while and then after lunch MOWED the yard.  There were a lot of grass clippings and leaves on the driveway after I finished mowing.  I went inside for a while and when I went back outside to blow the driveway off there was no need.  The Lord had sent a strong wind and the driveway was clean. 
Tonight we will have services at the church then its off to Henderson again.  I have been very concerned about my mother.  I called today and talked to her nurse. She said she was having a good day and had done good all week.  Some days she is more confused than others.  They are planning to return her to the nursing home on Tuesday next week.  I plan to go by and see her on Thursday and Friday.  God bless you. 

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