Tuesday, July 31, 2012


Our 3 kids with their youngests
Sense it is a fact that God is real and that He is a very present help in time of trouble it stands to reason that prayer is a powerful thing.  Everytime I talk to Janie I get a response from her.  Everytime I talk to God my heavenly Father I get a response.  When we returned from camp this past week I was very sick.  I woke up Friday morning about 4:30 nauseated and having the first of many bouts of diarhea.  I felt really bad.  We had a 3 hour drive back to Hillsboro and I dreaded it.  One of the boys in our group was also sick.  We made it home without any problem and it was an answer to my prayer.  I ran a little fever with it Friday night and all day Saturday.  My old back problem decided to rear its ugly head at the same time.  So between fighting the virus and the pain I was not having a good day.  I prayed and asked the Lord to help me.  He did.  By Sunday morning my illness was over and the pain in my back was gone.  I had plenty of strength to perform my duties on Sunday.  Prayer is a powerful thing.  Now some may argue that the virus just ran its course and that my back pain just responded to my laying flat on my back on the floor but I believe with all my heart that God heard my prayer and helped me. 
Our oldest granddaughters at camp

On Monday this week our missions treasurer had surgery and Janie and I went down to Waco to be there for it.  The surgery went well.  Today we made a trip to Palestine, Texas to see our daughter and her family.  We ate supper together and had a good visit.  I helped my son-in-law with some electrical work.  He is remodeling their kitchen and needed to have some electrical wires and fixtures removed. 
My mother in her new room talking with Steve

My mother called and was all worked up over having to move rooms.  She is now in room 5 and no longer in the secure wing of the nursing home.  I scolded the nursing home official for not giving us some notice so that we could be there to help in the moving process.  My brothers went to the nursing home and took care of everything.  The Bible says that a brother was born for adversity.   I was glad that my brothers were able to drop everything and get over there on such short notice to help get mother settled down and settled in to her new room. My brother, Ralph, sent me this picture.  My brothers were an answer to prayer.  God bless you.

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