Friday, May 2, 2014

Mother's week

Grandkids at the house on Easter Sunday.  All our G-kids like the piano.
James has his first duet with Janie.
We were so happy to have the Bachmans in our services Easter evening.
I love playing with grandkids
Janie loves playing with grandkids
Trying to keep the path to the cottage clear is a never ending job
Took the grandkids to see Alice in Wonderland
Returned to the book of Job the Sunday after Easter
Spent the week going everyday to the nursing home.
We moved mother's things into her new room at the nursing home.  She slept in the bed never waking up even when I moved the bed and the movers brought in her dresser.  She is very confused and is not eating.  The Doctor came and examined her reporting that she may have pneumonia.   If she does not then her mental state is cause of her not eating and is a natural progression of her mental illness.  I am not sure that she is going to make it to her 90th birthday in November. 
Janie persuaded mother to get out of bed and to sit up in her chair
Mother ate only a few bites of soup and on swallow of tea.
Janie walked mother up and down the hall
The man in the background was walking arm in arm with mother up and down the hall right before we arrived. 
We sat outside for a few minutes until mother complained of the cold wind
Back to the inside where it is warm.
Two more laps and then it is back to her room
Between trips to the nursing home I managed to build Janie's bookcase
Spent today with Jaine's mother
Janie bought her mother some tomato plants
The meetings with the staff at the nursing home this week were very productive.  I believe they are taking good care of her.  It has been a stressful week causing me to lean even more than usual upon God for help.  I do not know how those who do not have a relationship with Jesus Christ survive this world and its troubles.  God bless you.

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