Monday, February 21, 2011

Church in the Hospital

Our Junior choir before services Sunday morning
Walnut Street Baptist Church could have had services in the hospital yesterday.  We have been spending a lot of time there lately.  Sunday afternoon we had another church member to visit the emergency room.  There are two members in the hospital now and they will be there for a while.  We have 2 in a hospital in Galveston and 1 in a hospital in the Dallas area.
I have not been sleeping well due to a cough.  I get an hour our two here and there.  I don't like to take medicine but was forced to do so Saturday night when I just could not stop coughing.  The medicine worked right well and I got a few hours of sleep.  I have taken some more this morning and will through the day as needed to give myself a break from all the coughing.
My view as I await the start of Sunday morning services
Today I will stay in as much as possible and get some work done.  I want to take a trip up to Amarillo on Thursday and and Friday.  I will make that decision on Wednesday depending on how I feel and how our hospitalized members are doing.  
My newest son-in-law has a facebook page.  I did not think he would ever have something like that but now he does.  I think it is a very good thing for him.  He is broadening his horizon.  I would like to see him blog next. He has never flown before and has no desire to do so.  Maybe that's what will be next for him.
Well it is early morning and I have taken some medicine which is kicking in right now.  My cough has stopped and I am sleep.....................................oh, sorry I dozed off.  I better get back in the bed.  God bless you.

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