Sunday, January 11, 2009


My mother made it to church on time this morning. She drove 3 hours to get here and we had a good visit with her this afternoon and again this evening. She has gone to bed and we are still up. I did my Bible readings and did a little walking as well. I will complete this blog post and then head for bed myself. It has been a good day. We had a few visitors in our services today and several of our regular attenders were absent. Our new music director started today and did a fine job. I worked with the church treasurer this afternoon filling out tax forms. He was glad to get that all done. Next year will be much easier with only one 1099 form to fill out instead of W-3 and W-2 and 941 quarterly reports.
I will be preaching at the nursing home tomorrow morning and will spend the afternoon visiting with my mother. She brought us some flowers to set out in the front flower bed. It is suppose to be sunny tomorrow so we will try to get them set out. Tuesday morning she will return home and I will spend the day at the office working on the sermon for Sunday and the lesson for Wednesday night. If it is still good weather we will take another seat out of the bus and hopefully get that delivered and another finished seat installed on Wednesday. We are almost halfway done with the bus seats. One of the deacons is going to do some checking to see if we can get a good deal on having the bus painted. It would be nice if we could get that done. The picture of my mother is one I took this afternoon with my cell phone. God bless you.

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