Sunday, March 2, 2008


My hiking umbrella protects me from the sun and rain. I am in the process of making a way of attaching it to my backpack. I have toyed with a couple of ideas and so far they have not worked to my satisfaction. This last, or at least I hope it is the last, effort I think will work quite well. It will give me convient access to the umbrella to remove or erect it. I will try to post a photo when I have it done.
My 800 number to the IRS is like an umbrella it protects me from making mistakes with my taxes. The first year I filed my taxes after moving here I used H&R block. I have since just done them myself with lots of phone calls to the IRS. They seem very willing and able to answer my questions and I feel good about my taxes when I am finished that they have been done correctly. I am determined to get my taxes done this week and will if the Lord is willing.
The Bible is like an umbrella it protects me from that which is false. It protects me when troubles come for I flee to it like a fortress. It helps me quench the fiery darts this world throughs my way. When doubts arrise I open this umbrella and it shields me from the harm they can cause. I will take a Bible with me on the hike and will read it every day and Steve and will enjoy talking about it while we walk along.
We will be baptizing 2 this evening and will get to hear from a missionary who is planning to go to Australia. Should be a real good service. God bless you.

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