Luke 19:40 And he answered and said unto them, I tell you that, if these should hold their peace, the stones would immediately cry out.
Could stones indeed cry out? If the Lord wished it so they could and would. What have stones seen that would enable them to be a source of praise to God? The stones of the earth have been in existence before man was formed. They have witnessed the works of God and been used of God through out time. The Law was written first on tables of stone. Men will, in the future call for the stones to fall upon them and to hide them from and angry God. It was a stone that covered the mouth of the grave where Jesus lay and was removed by angels to reveal to men that Jesus was alive. Samuel's Ebenezer was a rock of help. Jesus could have raised up from the stones of the earth children unto Abraham. Stones were used to execute the guilty and used to execute the righteous such as Stephen and Naboth. Stones were used for altars to offer sacrifices unto God and on one occasion were consumed completely with the sacrifice. A stone was used as a pillow for the head of Jacob. Stones were gathered out of the Jordan to form a memorial. Precious stones adorned the priest's garments and will adorn the Holy city New Jerusalem. Mill stones were used as tools for food and for weapons. A sharp stone was used by Zipporah to comply with God's command. It was upon a stone that Moses sat with arms held high so that Joshua could gain a victory. It was a stone that cause the Giant of Gath to fall. Stones have witnessed the rise and fall of men and have seen that it is God who remains the same from generation to generation. The stones could indeed cry out to the praise of God but it is the duty of man not of stones to lift their voices in praise for it is mankind that knows of God's grace and alone can cry out in praise of God's redemption. God bless you.
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