Basically I do not like to travel. I like to stay in familiar territory. This year I will be traveling a lot. Lord willing, I will fly out to California and spend 2 weeks with my brother in April. In June we will travel to Spokane Washington for the ABA meeting. In October we will fly to Paris to visit the mission work there. In May we will travel to Texarkana, Arkansas for the pre-association meeting. In June we will be going to Mississippi for a wedding. We will be making trips to Palestine Texas to prepare for our daughter's wedding and will, no doubt, be traveling there to visit her occasionally. I am glad that God has given me the abillity to travel and will do so as He deems best. As I am writting this I am in Henderson, Texas visiting with Janie's parents. I was able to visit with my parents and my grandchildren as well. It has been a good time and I am ready to go back home to Hillsboro.
I have added 400 more calaries per day to my hiking food. This brings me up to 1900 calaries per day. Will look at this closer again before I leave to see if I can add at least another 100 calaries to my diet. They say you burn 5000 cal. a day on the trail and I believe that. I have purchased some socks and will test them on my 2 day 40 mile hike. The object of the sock is to keep you feet dry and comfortable.
Well I am leaving for Hillsboro and home now, God bless you.
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