Monday, July 13, 2009


I had to put a new battery on the church van today and while I was at it gave it a bath. It needed new licences plates and they are installed as you can see from the picture. I will take it down to have it inspected and then it should be ready to go to camp. Janie and I worked together, for it took the both of us, to change a burned out head light on our car. We tried to change out a burned out park light bulb but just could not get it. My hands were too big to reach it and Janie could not get it to move so we gave up and when we turned the lights on it was burning so it must have been loose. I have chosen the lessons and sermon for camp but have not settled on the sermon for Tuesday night. I will make that decision tomorrow.
Clint Rogers is doing very well. He has been walking some more and they told me that the other night he watched three movies one right after the other. He is very alert and the nurses say he has a great since of humor. All the nursing staff like him and say he is so polite. He will remain in the Burn ICU for he still has a lot of open wounds that need a lot of attention and protection from infection. He is eating well and the walking and therapy really tire him out. We are hoping that the fund raiser Saturday will be huge success.
We got a phone call today from the lady who covered our bus seats. She is going to get us the letters we need to put the church name on the sides of the bus at no charge to us. This lady and her husband have been such a blessing to our church. They also got a quote from a man in their town of $2000 to paint the bus. I will run that by the church and see what they think.
This second picture is of my invention, that you can see in the right column of this blog, in action. I like inventing and engineering things and am working on a project now for my wife. When I get it built I will post a picture here. God bless you.

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