We are home from camp. 3 of the kids we took to camp were saved. There were a total of 26 campers saved. Saved means that they admitted and confessed their sins to Jesus Christ, the One who died for them on the cross of Calvary and was buried and rose again the third day, and they sought and received forgiveness of their sins by asking Him to have mercy on their souls and to save them. They have believed in Him as the
Savior and have trusted in His promise of Romans 10:13 "Whosoever shall call upon the name of the LORD shall be saved." The next step for them will be baptism and then a journey which will take them each day to a closer walk with Jesus.
Clint had surgery on his hand Tuesday and this is the message I got from his mother "Surgery pinned ring finger and we are going to call in a hand specialist for the thumb please pray." I have not heard as yet if the specialist has taken a look at his thumb but have prayed that it will be well. 

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