Monday, September 22, 2008

Out of Kilter

The past several days have been out of kilter mostly due to Ike. We have our oldest daughter and her family staying with us while they wait for the lights to come back on at their home in Liberty county. We have been blessed to help them out and they are anxious to get back home. I try to stay to my schedule as much as possible and stay focused on my work. It is fun to have the grand kids at the house and to enjoy a moment here and there with them. I would enjoy it more if I did not have responsibilities and work to get done. When I have work that must be done I don't seem to be able to relax until it is finished. I have completed "from the Pastor" for the bulletin and the sermon for next Sunday is ready to go. I have some data base programing to do before November arrives. I am not ready for Wednesday night yet nor Sunday night. With these things looming I will not relax until they are done. We will have our regular services Wednesday night but the following Wednesday we will have a staff meeting and will not run the bus to pick up kids. This will give the workers a break and give us a chance to discuss changes that need to be made in our program. I am going to try to feed the workers and their families at the staff meeting to reward them for their efforts. I must get back to work. The picture is of the three older grand kids that are staying with us, Joshua, Hannah, Ruth. God bless you.

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