Friday, July 1, 2011

Grandkids day 3

Breakfast at McDonald's again
Breakfast at McDonald's with the grandkids is a good way to start the day.  We went shopping then returned home to Skype with their parents.  The kids watched some movies today but they did get the garage cleaned out.  It looks really nice.  We made homemade ice cream this afternoon and I am sure they ate too much of it.  They enjoyed the whole process of ice cream making.
The two older kids and I put together a robot kit which featured an aluminum can with a motor and three legs and 2 wings.  It did not seem to impress Hannah for when it began to walk in circles she said "Is that all it does?"  The older kids took all the trash bags that we had filled with junk from the garage down to the curb.  I don't know how many there were but it was lot.  I was glad to have their help.
Shopping at Wal-Mart again
This evening I had a conference call with my siblings to talk about our mother's status.  I thought it went well though I was called away before the conference was over.  I had to run over to the church for a meeting with the mission team that just returned from Alabama.  They had had a problem and thought I should be there to hear about it.  I was glad they called me and it looks like everything turned out okay.  The trip was a big success. 
Well I better wrap this up and get to sleep. Enjoy the video below of the Soda Can Robot in action and a few other pictures I took today.  God bless you.
Assembling a Robot

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