This picture is of Janie at 2nd Ave. Baptist Church in Coriscana. She is the president of our district Ladies Auxiliary. She is very good at it. I tag along as a visitor to drive and to enjoy the program, preaching, food, and fellowship.
We had eleven visitors in our services today. It is always good to have visitors. With these present and most of our regular members back we had a good crowd of people. I spent the afternoon working on next Sunday's bulletin. I have taken to putting in the bulletin a section I call "What does it mean." I take a verse of scripture that is difficult to understand and I show the steps it takes to figure out what it means. I am trying to give the people the tools they need to understand the scriptures for themselves. I also worked on the sermon for next Sunday and have it ready to go except for printing it out. I am thinking about preaching through the book of Hosea. In the morning I plan to go by the Hospital to check on a patient there who is having surgery. I should be out in time to make it to the nursing home for the services. Monday afternoon I hope to get the Wednesday night lesson ready and the Sunday School lesson.
I am excited about our church. It seems that
things are going very well. I am expecting the Vacation Bible School to be a big success. The camp sign up lists continue to grow. It looks like we are going to have lots of kids at both camps.

Angie called us this morning thinking that Lilia's school work had been left here but it was not. They found it in one of their suitcases. They are doing very well and ready to get back into a normal routine. This last picture is of the grandkids being silly. God bless you.
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