I like this photo not just because it is my grandson Jonathan and he is cute. He is playing on the floor pretending to be a puppy. He is doing so right between a walker and a motorized wheelchair. What a contrast his grandfather is taking his picture between his great-grandparent's most prominent aids. He is not old enough to read Ecclesiastes 12:1-7 yet but that is the text that comes to my mind when I see this picture.
We have made an emergency trip to Henderson. I talked to Sis. Davis this afternoon and she said that Bro. Davis was going down hill fast. He ate just a couple of bites at breakfast this morning but nothing else the rest of the day except a little bit of water. He was in such pain this afternoon that they gave him a shot of morphine. I called and cancelled my appointments for Tuesday and we got to the hospice center about 6:30. He does not look well at all and was sleeping well being on morphine. He opened his eyes enough to see that I was there and she asked him if he knew who that was to which he responded "Brother Paul." Sister Davis said that they told her he might last as long as two weeks but I think she believes it may be much sooner than that.
Tomorrow I will be going by TBI to get a copy of the article that was in the Monitor about Bro. Davis when he retired from teaching at the seminary. I will work on a brochure that will be handed out at his funeral. It will contain a brief history of his ministry and the lyrics to one of the songs which he wrote. I have picked out a good picture of him for the front page. I want to get this printed out for her approval and then I will take it to the office supply and have them print a couple of hundred copies.
After his death I plan to enlist some help from volunteers to get the rest of his sermons on the Internet. There are over 1000 of his sermons on there now and there will be well over 2000 by the time we have them all on there. I am not sure that I will be able to tell him but I know that he would be thrilled to hear that over 1600 unique visitors have been to his website in the past six months. He has had over 3000 total hits on his website since August last year.
The funeral that I preached this morning went very well. The woman who died worked in the city library and her husband also works for the city of Hillsboro. There was a big crowd of people at the funeral including our Mayor. Policemen, fireman, Ambulance personnel, City officials and employees of all departments were there. I felt very safe! It was a beautiful clear day and the temperature reached 63 degrees.
If Bro. Davis is still hanging in there Wednesday I may return to Hillsboro for our midweek services and then head back over to Henderson. Pray for Bro. and Sis. Davis. God bless you.
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