I like to listen to sermons by Paul Owens. He was an outstanding preacher. Why I like his sermons is because he preached the Word of God. I love reading and studying the Bible. Sermons that I do not enjoy as much are those where the preacher tells stories or uses a lot illustrations and allegory. Preaching the Word is to explain God's word. The Ethiopian told Phillip that he could not understand what he was reading except someone should guide him. When someone preaches the word they explain what the text is saying. When the sermon is over the listener should have a good understanding of the text. I agree with a Presbyterian preacher who once said "Every preacher should preach an allegorical sermon once a year and then immediately repent of it and go back to expository preaching." I preached at the nursing home this morning. My text was taken from Acts 20:9 where the young man fell asleep while the apostle Paul was preaching and he fell out of third story window and died. Paul by the power of God brought him back to life. Paul's sermons lasted about six hours. I got carried away and preached for 30 minutes this morning. It was a good service with about 50 in attendance. The picture is of my father-in-law before he was a preacher. He pastored for well over 50 years.
This is labor day and our attendance was way down Sunday. I plan to celebrate this holiday by laboring. Going to work on the bulletin for next Sunday and then the Sermon for next Sunday. The Sunday School lesson will be next and then the Sunday night sermon. A four mile walk is between me and bedtime so I better get busy. God bless you.
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