I will begin with a quick update on Clint. He had surgery to skin graft his arms and they have cut down on his med's and he is beginning to move a little. All in all he has had a good day. I will be seeing him in the morning, Lord willing. He seems to be making good progress. Don't forget the blood drive at our church on May 17th.
Last night Janie and I worked on assembling another cabinet (pictured) for my mother-in-law. This morning my day started at 7:00 when at my in-law's house there was no water. A pipe had broken under the house and I had to go and dig up the water meter and find the shut off (see the picture). Since I am too old
and fat to be crawling under a house we called a plumber. It was fixed and the water back on in just a couple of hours. My oldest daughter and her husband brought their fifth wheel trail over to my in-law's place last night. It is looking like they will be moving soon back to Henderson. He hit the barn
with his trailer and gouged a hole in the side of it. They asked if I could patch it for them temporarily and so Janie and I got to work and got it patched. We worked on repairing the barn next and got the tin nailed back in place. We are at home now and hopefully our work is over. Going to work on supper now and then relax before heading for bed. God bless you.

Thanks, Dad. :)
I cringed when you mentioned calling a plumber. If it had not been so urgent, I would have had to wait til I could make it back.
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